This study is aimed at assessing the influence of toothpaste advertising on consumer brand preference in Makurdi metropolis. The objectives of the study are to ascertain consumers’ awareness of advert on Closeup and Maclean toothpaste in Makurdi metropolis. To identify the channels that consumers receive Close up and Maclean toothpaste advert, to determine the influence of advertising on consumers brand preference of Close up and Maclean toothpastes in Makurdi metropolis. The survey method was adopted and simple random sampling and purposive sampling were adopted as sampling technique using a sample size of four hundred which was statistically determined using Taro Yamane formula. The population comprised of civil servants, students and business persons in Makurdi. Findings from the study revealed that majority of respondents were aware of advert on Close up as compared to Maclean toothpaste. Also, television was discovered to be the dominant channel that consumers receive adverts about the products. One major factor responsible for brand preference was advertising. The study concluded that television was the dominant channel which consumers receive advert on Close up and Maclean toothpaste. Also, consumers agreed that advert lead to brand preference of Closeup and Macleans toothpastes. The study recommends that hence consumers in Makurdi metropolis have low awareness level of advert on Macleans toothpaste, marketers of the product should engage in aggressive advertising in order to compete favourably with their competitors.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background to the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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